IX. Atelier de la Concurrence
Competition in public health: Universal remedy or placebo?

«Competition in Healthcare: Panacea or Placebo?»
10/11/2011 Winterthur
VIII. Atelier de la Concurrence
Innovation through competition: We’re at the top now, but how do we stay there?

«Competition: indispensable ingredient or hair in the soup?»
15/04/2011 Neuchâtel
VII. Atelier de la Concurrence
SME under competitive pressure: Challenges and perspectives

«Fit to compete alone or together?»
15/03/2011 Bern
X. Atelier de la Concurrence
Intensified competition in the automotive industry: winners and losers

«ready for the antitrust assessment?»
13/03/2012 Bern