XLI. Atelier de la Concurrence


Security of supply in the electricity and healthcare markets

XL. Atelier de la Concurrence


Effective legal protection in the motor trade

Andri Zisler, Auto Gewerbe Verband Schweiz (AGVS)

Motion Pfister: Die Sicht des Garagisten (PDF 1,1 MB)

XXXIX. Atelier de la Concurrence


The market power of GAFAM - How can Switzerland be strengthened as a business location?

XXXVIII. Atelier de la Concurrence


"Lex Netflix": What you need to know before the vote on 15 May 2022!

XXXVII. Atelier de la Concurrence


Swiss Antitrust Law Conference "25 Years of Antitrust Law - A Swiss Success Story"

XXXVI. Atelier de la Concurrence


Antitrust and competition law as a guarantor of innovation and prosperity

XXXV. Atelier de la Concurrence


Climate, energy and competition

XXXIV. Atelier de la Concurrence


Health policy and market failure

XXXIII. Atelier de la Concurrence


Egerkingen Abuse of market power and civil antitrust law in the motor vehicle industry:

Challenges and developments 2020

XXXII. Atelier de la Concurrence


Bern Does antitrust law still need economics and economists?

XXXI. Atelier de la Concurrence


Bern Electricity companies between regulation and competition -

the guard rails for practice

XXX. Atelier de la Concurrence

20/03/2019 Bern

Competition and dealer protection: questions from the everyday life of a garage owner

Prof. Dr. Stéphane Braconnier

Vorstellung neue Kooperation(PDF 91,9 KB)

XXIX. Atelier de la Concurrence

11/10/2018 Winterthur

Criminal procedural guarantees before COMCO and FINMA - Quo Vadis?

XXVIII. Atelier de la Concurrence

05/07/2018 Bern

Digitalisation & algorithms: New market power phenomena

Challenges for competition law

XXVII. Atelier de la Concurrence

22/02/2018 BernAgriculture in competition: challenges in the face of powerful intermediaries

XXVI. Atelier de la Concurrence

12/12/2017 Bern

Investment protection for SMEs in the case of market power of car manufacturers and state-owned companies

XXV. Atelier de la Concurrence

06/06/2017 Bern

The transport of goods in and through Switzerland - competition and its challenges

XXIV. Atelier de la Concurrence

08/02/2017 Winterthur

Antitrust law 4.0 - digital challenges

Christoph ILL, Staatsanwaltschaft St. Gallen, Staatsanwaltsakademie Universität Luzern

Digitale Herausforderungen; untechnisch technisch (PDF 1,5 MB)

Dr. Stefan Tsakanakis, Bundesverwaltungsgericht

Geoblocking und Kartellrecht (PDF 607,4 KB)

Dr. Stefan Keller

Tischrede (PDF 114,3 KB)

XXIII. Atelier de la Concurrence

24/11/2016 Bern

Big data in the area of conflict between opportunities and risks

XXI. Atelier de la Concurrence

22/10/2015 Zurich

Sport and competition

XX. Atelier de la Concurrence

07/05/2015 Geneva

Arbitration in antitrust law: possibilities and benefits

Prof. Dr. Jean-Paul Vulliéty | Lalive Prof. Dr. Christian Bovet, Universität Genf

Les outils qu'offrent l'arbitrage et les autres méthods de règlement des différends (PDF 173,2 KB)

XIX. Atelier de la Concurrence

19/03/2015 Bern

Motor vehicle sales - The year of decision

XVIII. Atelier de la Concurrence

12/06/2014 Bern

Retail trade and oligopoly

XVII. Atelier de la Concurrence

18/03/2014 Bern

Automotive sales: A web of dependencies

Dr. Gustav Oberwallner (Wirtschaftskammer Österreich)

Die neuen Rechtsvorschriften im Autogewerbe in Österreich(PDF 103,1 KB)

XVI. Atelier de la Concurrence

26/11/2013 Bern

KG revision - the public hearing

XV. Atelier de la Concurrence

18/04/2013 Neuchâtel

Competition and the watch market: a race against time?

Prof. Dr. Evelyne Clerc (WEKO; Universität Neuenburg) und Prof. Dr. Blaise Carron (Universität Neuenburg)

Uhrenmärkte und Wettbewerbsrecht (PDF 120,1 KB)

XIV. Atelier de la Concurrence

26/02/2013 Bern

Media and advertising markets: competition and its new challenges

XIII. Atelier de la Concurrence

15/11/2012 Winterthur

Class actions in antitrust law: Is Switzerland ready for this instrument?

XII. Atelier de la Concurrence

09/10/2012 Lausanne

Class actions: Necessary or superfluous?

XI. Atelier de la Concurrence

10/05/2012 Lausanne

Construction industry and competition: between rivalry and co-operation

X. Atelier de la Concurrence

13/03/2012 Bern

Intensified competition in the automotive industry: winners and losers

IX. Atelier de la Concurrence

10/11/2011 Winterthur

Competition in the healthcare sector: Panacea or placebo?

VIII. Atelier de la Concurrence

15/04/2011 Neuchâtel

Innovation through competition: we are at the top. How do we stay there?

VII. Atelier de la Concurrence

15/03/2011 Bern

SMEs under competitive pressure: challenges and prospects

VI. Atelier de la Concurrence

25/11/2010 Winterthur

Tax competition: curse or blessing?

Dr. Jens Hanebrink (ZHAW, Leiter Fachstelle für Steuerrecht)

Begrüssung und Themeneinführung (PDF 23,0 KB)

Nationalrat Christian Levrat (SP)

Steuerwettbewerb Fluch oder Segen(PDF 18,1 KB)

V. Atelier de la Concurrence

04/05/2010 Winterthur

Vertical Restraints: Own goal or direct hit?

IV. Atelier de la Concurrence

19/03/2010 Winterthur

One year of competition in the electricity market: When will the spark ignite?

II. Atelier de la Concurrence

22/09/2009 Bern

Automotive industry and competition at a crossroads

I. Atelier de la Concurrence

05/05/2009 Winterthur

5 years of modern antitrust law: What has been achieved? What remains to be done?

Thomas Pletscher (Economiesuisse)

Rück- und Ausblick(PDF 51,7 KB)

Ständerätin Simonetta Sommaruga (Stiftung für Konsumentenschutz)

Hochpreisinsel Schweiz(PDF 53,7 KB)

Dr. Daniel Lucien Bühr (Schindler Management AG)

Haltung der Wirtschaft(PDF 479,2 KB)